- bomberman map - perfect works well

- *axis lab 2 map - unfortunately the allies bots behave weirdly at an iron door in a rock so the map is not really playable, too bad, everyone likes the map

- *facing_worlds - is not found: this map is nowhere to be found, only the gm and way files are found

- *bt_trains 1 & 2 - unfortunately the bots can not find the routes, so the map is unplayable

- mcassino map - perfect works well

- wolftactics maps: wt_hard and _tanne bots malfunction, _stronghold missing textures the other maps work perfectly
from the wt mappackage i copied the following files to the server: wt_tactics_beta 2015 08 09, 08 19, 09 05

featured question: mp_korfe, I really like it! but I could never get it to work! does that map work on s4ndmod servers? 

another interesting fact: we love the adlernes map, but for some unknown reason we can't get it to work. the b2 and way and gm files are supposed to work. but i'm glad you have b3 way and gm! i'm interested to see that the bots behave very differently there. the problem is that the first engineer doesn't blow the door, so the map never ends without real players. does this map work for you, or do you have any suggestions what the problem could be?

(in the bottom picture you can see that this door should be blown up, but no, the bots are coming)