WarZone II

2024 December 25:

The WarZone II. server is published!

After many months of work and testing, I’m proud to announce that after 3 years, the WarZone II – Cha0s server is ready!

Thank you all very much for your patience and help to the entire Support Team who helped to make this server possible! Special thanks to: Mauzi (BeeR), Pinn, Loffy.

Downloading the server maps is highly recommended!!!
(I cannot be held responsible for any strokes caused by the download speed of the maps! :D)

Also, I recommend using WolfSE (currently version, preferably a new one as the server contains no less than 41 maps! Currently… 😀

WarZone II

IP: /connect
IP:/connect wz2.wolf-veterans.eu:27967
Type: 1.0 Server / OBJ-CTF
Mod: WvMod (support: .Wv’Takebeer, Danilo)

Informations, forums, facebook group, discord contact: https://rtcw.hu/

[wz2 maps]       
[WolfSE client]  

All old and new players welcome!

Thanks if you share this news to get it to as many people as possible!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to the RtCW community!
With this server, we pay our respects to the game and the players who play it today!

The work will continue in 2025…

PuNkReAS* and the .Wv’ team

LINKS UPDATED: 2024-12-25


2024 October 19:

The Objective server is published!

Thanks to Kenny England, thanks to him the old yellow Objective server is alive again! The OSRtCW has taken over the operation of the entire server and will be available at this address from October 2024:

Name: Fa1
IP: /connect
Type: 1.0 Server / Objective
Mod: chaosmod 

LINKS UPDATED: 2024-10-19

WolfSE + patch + Masterlist-fix

**WolfSE released! **

Just over 2 years after 1006 and after lots of (personal) trouble, 1007 is finally here.
There are too many new things to list, not to mention I’m too lazy and tired to do it but some of the highlights are:
Record mp4 with \video command.
Cvar-command descriptions for every command that exists.
Console auto completion for every console input that exists.
Many new hitsounds.
New video modes.
New hud modules.
You can find most of the rest in main menu > patchnotes
Few of important things:
-If you are updating you need to do it manually from the links below. Launcher will not work this time.
-Color cvars like cg_crosshaircolor are now using strings instead of numbers, e.g. /cg_crosshaircolor „white” so have that in mind.
-WolfSE.exe is now WolfMP.exe, delete the SE one, please.
I think that is all, if I have forgotten something I’ll update this message accordingly, no need to spam @everyone every time.

Link: WolfSE.zip
If you are not updating, full game:WolfSE.zip

new Masterlist-fix: RTCWMP-Masterlist-fix.zip
WolfSE 1.7 (Full game): WolfSE_1.7.zip
– Patch: WolfSE_patch-1007.zip

AvP Reunion

I am happy to announce that the test version of the legendary AvP server is ready! The goal is the usual: to get a little nostalgic. Unfortunately I couldn’t reach the original creator, so I relied on my memories and some old AvP players for the maplist. That will be expanded in the future.
The server is mainly meant to bring old AvP players back together, but of course we welcome everyone!


Maps dl: AvP1

Unfinished bots work

Here I make available to everyone the works I have started, half-finished, and still to be finished. Most of the waypoints in the works are done, but the .gm files have always been a pain for me to create, so most of the files available here are just the basic .gm files.
Anyone who knows how to make .gm files and would like to make them please contact me! 🙂

Special thanks to the mygamingtalk portal (Palota, Mateos, MickyP) and Pinn and Beer for their help so far!

(For now the files are available in bulk, I will sort them separately soon…)

Map name Missing tasks Files
Railway Tournament Edition Axis does not protect the Control room. >> Solution mp_railway_te
Airport Axis does not protect the Control_Tower mk_airport
Flooded Town Axis does not Dam Power Generator mk_flooded_town
All the others check .gm files / fix waypoints, check them user // nav // files

RtCW 1.4 + Omni-bot 0.85

This is game version 1.4 of the RtCW game, which also includes version 0.85 of the omni-bot files. If you feel like making bots routes and other work, this file will be excellent for you to work with.

The game works as 1.4, but if you want to do bots work the following command is needed to start it: wolfmp +set fs_game omnibot +devmap map name.
So for example: wolfmp +set fs_game omnibot +devmap mp_beach.

Important: this file contains only the OB (omni-bot) files, no maps are included except for the base ones, so you have to copy the ones you want to work with. The location of the maps files is /main!

Any questions can be found on the =OS= Discord or Forum.

Info: informations
Download: Wolf_omni-bot.zip
Omni-bot help: mygamingtalk


Have fun and have fun!


PuNkReAS* / 2024-01-08


Available =OS= servers

’24 February updates

In recent weeks, the legendary <<cU’ (Clans United) server engine has returned in a revamped form to run new servers, with the help of .Wv’TakeBeer’.

So I can announce that a test version of the =OS= servers is now available, the lists of which you can see below:

rtcwpro.com:27967    – =OS= WarZone /The first and original WarZone server/ – OS-OBJ –/On the old OS Objective server, usually srcims are used/ – AvP1 – XXX – =Test= (rtcw.hu/maps) — /Maps under editing are available here/ – =WarZone/<<cU’= — /An extended version of the WarZone server/ – RtCWPRO — /The OS RtCWPRO server/ – soon – V2 — /RtCW Single Player campaign in Multiplayer/ – soon – XXX – = Base Domination = – FA1 /RtCW Single Player campaign in Multiplayer/ – ChA0S

Clan Servers: // Wv| Deathmatch! /ex cU-Dm/ // Wv| Beach24/7 // Wv| SP Obj // Wv| Instagib+Obj // Wv| PlayGround!


Please notify me of any errors on Discord:
Bug Report

We need help!

Guys! Everybody who can, let’s help Tarator, who is going through a very difficult time!

Dear RtCW Community,

I hope this message finds you well. As I’m sure you’re aware, Tarator is a lead developer for RtCWPro and a well-known community member. Tarator has been privately struggling with a terminal lung condition and has been hospitalized continuously since the beginning of the year. His condition is treated with expensive drugs and surgery that he is not able to cover on his own. Please reach out to @Tarator#7840 on Discord if you are interested in learning more before donating.

We are looking for donations to help Tara cover the costs of his medication, hospital visits, and planned surgeries. Any contribution you can make, big or small, would be greatly appreciated.
If you are able, please consider making a donation today, and share this with others in the RtCW Community.
Every little bit helps, and we are grateful for any support you can provide. Our current goal is 2500 Euros, but anything will be appreciated — even just well wishes. @tinyelvis will match every dollar donated up to that total.

Tarator’s PayPal is linked below. Thank you for your time and consideration.

Again, if you would like more information before donating, please reach out to @Tarator#7840 on Discord. And if you cannot/do not want to donate via PayPal, please reach out to @tinyelvis as he has another way he can provide funds to Tara.


Best regards,
LCS Elvis and the RtCW Discord mods

News – OS RtCW – 2023 – EN

Welcome to the OS RtCW Website in 2023!

I am happy to say that in 2023 there are still fans of the game! Let’s look at a few things for this year.

– 8 January 2023:

  • My preliminary plans are that we won’t rest this year either, thanks to your support I will be able to expand our server this year, new maps will be coming that you could play with on some servers back in the old days;
  • There are plans to add another server to the ‘v2 setup, I won’t tell you more about it for now;
  • the conversion of existing servers;
  • I’ve opened a Discord channel where you can read about the current server developments, available here: server-dev-public;
  • as I see that not everyone is joining Discord, I want to focus on the use of the forum and will also share server related news there;
  • I look forward to your ideas and suggestions in the future;
  • I’m still looking for people to work with on omni-bot development, it’s extremely important!

    – enthusiasm, a high degree of perseverance, free time (mainly)
    – pk3 (map) editing and knowledge of map scripts, codes,
    – server related work, CVAR’s, other settings,
    – waypoint/gm files creation for BOTS, knowledge of omni-bot architecture,
    – linux knowledge.

Have a good game in 2023!

News – OS RtCW – 2023 – HU

Üdvözlök mindenkit az OS RtCW Weboldalán 2023-ban!

Öröm, hogy mondhatom 2023-ban még mindig vannak rajongói a játéknak! Nézzünk pár dolgot erre az évre vonatkozólag.

– 2023 január 8.:

  • előzetes terveim szerint idén sem pihenünk, a támogatásotoknak köszönhetően ebben az évben meg tudom valósítani a szerverünk bővítését, új térképek is fognak érkezni, amikkel még a régi időkben játszhattatok néhány szerveren;
  • tervben van még egy szerver a ‘v2 beállítása, egyenlőre erről nem árulok el többet;
  • a meglévő szerverek átalakítása;
  • nyitottam Discord-on egy csatornát, ahol az akutális szerver fejlesztésekről olvashattok, itt elérhető: server-dev-public;
  • mivel azt látom, hogy nem mindenki csatlakozik a Discord-hoz ezért a fórum használatát is előtérbe kívánom helyezni, illetve a szerverrel kapcsolatos híreket is ott fogom megosztani;
  • várom ötleteiteket, javaslataitokat a jövőben is;
  • továbbra is keresek olyan embert akivel tudunk közösen dolgozni az omni-bot fejlesztéseken, ez kiemelkedően fontos!

Jó játékot 2023-ban is!